Gibson W
Consultante en design de réputation internationale, fille d'un ponte de la sécurité américaine présumé mort le 11 septembre 2001, Cayce Pollard se voit confier une mission très spéciale : trouver le créateur de mystérieux clips vidéo diffusés sur le net. Plus que l'argent, le courant culturel underground qu'il génère dans le monde entier intéresse son nouvel employeur.
Mais après l'effraction de son appartement londonien, le piratage de sa messagerie et le vol des dossiers de sa psy, prise dans les mailles du marketing, de la mondialisation et de la terreur, de Londres à Tokyo et Moscou, Cayce va tenter de percer un secret aussi dérangeant et fascinant que le vingt-et-unième siècle promet d'être...
« Identification des schémas est le meilleur livre de William Gibson depuis qu'il a réinventé toutes les règles avec Neuromancien. Il porte sur notre présent le regard d'un maître en extrapolation et nous le montre comme nous ne l'avions jamais vu ».
Neil Gaiman « L'intelligence de Gibson claque comme un fouet ».
Entertainment Weekly « Willliam Gibson cisèle des phrases d'une beauté dérangeante, il est notre grand poète des foules ».
San Francisco Examiner & Chronicle
Fascinating and instantly recognizable, flatfishes are unique in their asymmetric postlarval body form. With over 800 extant species recognized and a distribution stretching around the globe, these fishes are of considerable research interest and provide a major contribution to commercial and recreational fisheries worldwide. This second edition of Flatfishes: Biology and Exploitation has been completely revised, updated and enlarged to respond to the ever-growing body of research. It provides:
o Overviews of systematics, distribution, life history strategies, reproduction, recruitment, ecology and behaviour
o Descriptions of the major fisheries and their management
o An assessment of the synergies between ecological and aquaculture research of flatfishes.
Carefully compiled and edited by four internationally-known scientists and with chapters written by many world leaders in the field, this excellent new edition of a very popular and successful book is essential reading for fish biologists, fisheries scientists, marine biologists, aquaculture personnel, ecologists, environmental scientists, and government workers in fisheries and fish and wildlife departments. Flatfishes: Biology and Exploitation, Second Edition, should be found in all libraries of research establishments and universities where life sciences, fish biology, fisheries, aquaculture, marine sciences, oceanography, ecology and environmental sciences are studied and taught. Reviews of the First Edition
o A solid, up-to-date book that advanced students and research scientists with interests in fish biology will find interesting and useful. Aquaculture International
o A data-rich book that outlines much of what you might ever want to know about flatfishes. Fish & Fisheries
o Well presented with clear illustrations and a valuable source of information for those with a general interest in fish ecology or for the more specialist reader. You should make sure that your library has a copy. J Fish Biology
o An excellent and very practical overview of the whole, global flatfish scene. Anyone interested in flatfish at whichever stage of the economic food chain should invest in a copy immediately. Ausmarine
o Because of the high quality of each chapter, written by international experts, it is a valuable reference. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries -
Applied Evolutionary Anthropology
Mhairi A. Gibson, David W. Lawson
- Springer
- 10 Mars 2014
- 9781493902804
As a species, we are currently experiencing dramatic shifts in our lifestyle, family structure, health, and global contact. Evolutionary Anthropology provides a powerful theoretical framework to study such changes, revealing how current environments and legacies of past selection shape human diversity. This book is the first major review of the emerging field of Applied Evolutionary Anthropology bringing together the work of an international group of evolutionary scientists, addressing many of the major public health and social issues of this century. Through a series of case studies that span both rural and urban situations in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America, each chapter addresses topics such as natural resource management, health service delivery, population growth and the emergence of new family structures, dietary, and co-operative behaviours. The research presented identifies the great, largely untapped, potential that Applied Evolutionary Anthropology holds to guide the design, implementation and evaluation of effective social and public health policy. This book will be of interest to policy-makers and applied researchers, along with academics and students across the biological and social sciences.
James II and the Trial of the Seven Bishops
W. Gibson
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 30 Janvier 2009
- 9780230233782
The trial of the seven bishops in 1688 was a signifcant prelude to the Glorious Revolution, as popular support for the bishops led to a widespread welcome for William of Orange's invasion. Their prosecution showed James II at his most intolerant, and threatened the only institution for which most English people felt more loyalty than the monarchy.